Mission Check List
From Staff and Location to Tools and Communications this list will assist you to a path of success.
Order Lenses From Essilor Vision Foundation
Every office doing a mission must set up their own account.
You can send frames to them or order through the foundation.
Your orders will take 6 working days and be delivered directly to the office where the mission was held. Please note they will not all arrive at the same time.
Radio Announcement
A 30 second ad for your local radio station (our outlet of choice).
Press Release
A template to use for local publications and your social networks to advertise your mission.
VoH Waiver
Every patient must sign a waiver to qualify for services with the Vision Of Hope Foundation and providing vendors.
Order Form
Job in Progress form.
Jobs are ordered online, however this is one way to keep order information in a tray or use directly with the patient before placing the online order.
You choose.